
Support your local community.

We need your help to continue to provide essential community services to people in crisis.

We are a local organisation that provides support and expertise within the local community, to potential volunteers, existing volunteers, and organisations that involve volunteers.

Get in touch:

Buffy Summers
1630 Revello Drive, Sunnydale, CA

Follow us:


Volunteers available


Volunteer opportunities


Matches last year

Want to volunteer?

We’ve had an incredible response so far, and are doing everything we can to respond to everyone who wants to volunteer in one of our community programmes.

Are you a business?

We are uniting our resources around this challenge, and we are combining our resources and asks to make it easy for people to support their communities.

Hear more from our community.

About Codegeek299

We are the leading Web Development Company. We provide modern, responsive, creative and secure websites and build Best-in-class digital projects that are optimized for all devices. We depend on the right tools for the job for the work, not a one-size-fits-all tech stack.  We’re specialists in deftly focusing, adjusting and advancing those insights. The most…

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Animated Videos are successful to draw in a wide crowd and captivate them with narrating. It summons feelings that resound with any crowd, so it shows a feeling of cordiality for your image.  It’s the best and least demanding approach to get as close as conceivable to the crowd. They need to catch the crowd’s…

“So many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible.”

Norton Juster

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